Sunday, September 21, 2008


So I thought I might try something a little different. While I enjoy seeing so many of you during the week, you sometimes say you'd like more during the week. I thought this might be the means of accomplishing that Winning Outcome!

Each week I will post some comments (teasers) about the upcoming weeks topic and some follow-up from the prior week. Please let me know what else you might like to see and I'll see what I can do.


Sarah said...

Hey Lani - I saw your post on Melissa's blog and I'd love to talk to you some time about losing weight while training for HIM and IM distance races. I just completed my first HIM, but I still have 45 lbs to lose (after losing 80ish). It's hard juggling with triathlon and my local WW leaders don't really seem to have a lot of advice.

Trigirlorlando said...

Hi Lani..
My WW meeting was Monday. I have not lost weight during the holidays but instead of gaining 14 pounds (like I did last year) , I have gained just 2. This to me is a victory and I am still down 4 pounds from after Ironman. All good things.

Thank you so much for your help and I will definitely look to you for guidance as I go through these months. I have a wonderful group leader who is a Half Ironman participant and understands the challenges ahead.

:) Happy New Year and many many thanks for our words of wisdom
